
Conversation event links, research overviews, lecture videos, artwork, music, learning materials, and more.


What is Polyamory?


Which is More Natural: Polyamory or Monogamy?


Benefits of Polyamory


Arguments Against Polyamory


 Real Talk music & artwork


 Community Haiku and drawing submissions


 Vocabulary sheet

  • ABANDONMENT - (n.) the act of leaving someone usually forever

  • AFFIRMATIVE - (adj.) relating to a statement that shows agreement or says "yes"

  • ASEXUAL - (adj.) having no interest in sexual relationships (Cambridge Dictionary)

  • BREEDING - (n.) the process in which animals have sex and produce young animals

  • CHEATING - (n.) being unfaithful to their husband, wife, or partner

  • COMPETITION - (n.) a situation in which someone is trying to win something or be more successful than someone else

  • CONTRACEPTIVE - (adj.) serving to prevent pregnancy

  • CONVENTIONAL RELATIONSHIP - (n.) a monogamous, long-term relationship between a man and a woman, based on them falling in love, and committed to through marriage

  • DEVASTATING - (n.) causing a lot of damage or destruction

  • DIVORCE - (n.) a legal process to end a marriage

  • EXHAUSTIVE - (adj.) complete and including everything

  • FIDELITY - (n.) honest especially to a sexual partner

  • INCOMPATIBILITY - (n.) the fact that two things are so different that they cannot both happen, or be accepted at the same time

  • INFERIORITY - (n.) the state of not being good, or not as good as someone or something else

  • INTIMATE - (adj.) having a very close friendship or personal or sexual relationship

  • JEALOUSY - (n.) the feeling of anger or bitterness which someone has when they think that another person is trying to take a lover or friend away from them

  • MONOGAMY - (n.) the fact or custom of having a sexual relationship with only one other person at a time

  • OFFSPRING - (n.) the young of an animal

  • POLYANDRY - (n.) the practice of having more than one husband or permanent male sexual partner at the same time

  • POLYFIDELITY - (n.) a relationship structure of three or more individuals who have no sexual or loving connections outside the group

  • POLYGAMY - (n.) The custom of being married to more than one person at the same time

  • POLYGYNY - (n.) the practice of having more than one wife or permanent female sexual partner at the same time

  • SACRIFICE - (n.) an act of offering to a deity something precious

  • SCARCITY - (n.) a situation in which something is not easy to find or get

  • SEXUAL ORIENTATION - (n.) a person's sexual identity or self-identification as bisexual, straight, gay, pansexual, etc.

  • SOLO POLY - (n.) someone who has multiple intimate relationships with people but has an independent or single lifestyle

  • SWINGING - (n.) a lifestyle of non-monogamy where sexual relations occur outside the established couple